Wednesday, March 11, 2020

IDs 575661 essays

IDs 575661 essays ID: Heraclius was born in Cappadocia, in Anatotlia, somewhere around 575. In 610, his father, the governor of Carthage (Africa), sent him to Constantinople to overthrow the tyrant Phocas. This venture was successful and Heraclius was proclaimed emperor on October 5, 610 Sig: Heraclius had to begin his reign by recovering much of his empire from the Persians. He also had to reorganize the government and the army. Heraclius brought efficiency into the government and restored financial stability to the empire. In 621, Heraclius began a seven-year series of campaigns against the Persians. This began because Heraclius wanted to recover lost territory in Asia Minor. A peace treaty which limited Persia to its old frontiers was also signed during this time ID: Military units and provinces give to soldiers in exchange for military service. ID: Generals who were put in charge of the civil administration of the themes. SIG: They became the elite and expanded the army. ID: Emperor from 717-741. He launched an attach against the Eastern church's use of icons. SIG: He was only after successfully repulsing the Muslim armies in their second major attack on Constantinople (717-718) that Leo openly declared his opposition to icons for the first time. An angry mob murdered the official who was sent to replace the con of Christ with a cross over the Bronze Gate. Whole sections of the empire rebelled vigorously. Leo eventually secured the retirement of the Partiarch of Constantinople and the consecration of a new one who favored his own views. ID: opposition to the religious use of images. Religious pictures and statues were an early feature of Christian worship SIG: Iconoclasm flourished in Asia Minor in the 8th and 9th cent. and was favored by several Byzantine emperors. The controversy led Byzantine artists toward spiritual expression rather than naturalism ID: intimate cooperation between the Church and the State which made the Byzan...